Course Agenda

    1. Instructions

    1. Pretest Instructions

    2. Pretest

    1. Course Overview

    1. Print Posttest Study Guide

    2. Required Videos: Perspectives on Incest (2 video clips; 3:26 minutes)

    3. Prevalence Patterns

    4. Differences in Risk Scores Among Intrafamilial and Extrafamilial Sexual Offenders

    5. Landmark Studies: Diana Russell and Renee Binder

    6. Required Video: Child Sexual Abuse: Why I Didn't Tell (2:40 minutes)

    7. Incest as a Gender Role Issue

    1. Defining the Problem

    2. Assessing Blame

    3. The Ecosystems Approach

    4. Case Vignette: The Ecosystems Perspective

    5. Case Vignette Discussion

    1. The Social Context

    2. The Family Context

    3. The Personality Context

    4. Case Exercise: The Causal Context of Incest

    5. Case Exercise Discussion

About this course

  • $27.00
  • 41 lessons

Course Details

Course Description

Incest is not simply an unfortunate event. In its various forms, incest is part of the process of living. It is only when social workers and other professionals openly recognize how often forms of incest are encountered—not only in their clients’ lives but in their own lives—that the manifestations of incestuous feelings and relationships can be effectively addressed. This course is designed to enhance practitioners’ knowledge and skills in recognizing the causes and consequences of incestuous relationships, as well as the family and cultural context in which these relationships occur. Specific clinical interventions are reviewed, and a reference guide is included. This course focuses primarily on father-daughter incest but addresses other forms as well. To complete the course, participants access online content that includes short web-based videos and case vignettes before passing the posttest with a score of 80% or better and printing the certificate of completion.

Target Audience

This course is designed for behavioral health practitioners who wish to better understand the dynamics of incestuous families and relevant clinical interventions.

Learning Objectives

After completing this course, readers will be able to do the following:

  • Identify the prevalence of incest and child sexual abuse.
  • Identify the causes and consequences of incest, including the social, family, and personality context.
  • Identify relevant clinical interventions and treatment modalities used with members of incestuous families. 
  • Identify a psychosocial assessment framework for incestuous families.
  • Identify related resources for professionals, victims, and families.

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