Course Agenda

    1. Instructions

    1. Pretest Instructions

    2. Pretest

    1. Course Overview

    1. Introduction

    2. Print Posttest Study Guide

    3. Required SAMHSA PPT: Bringing Wellness to …

    4. Required Video 1: Eight Dimensions of Wellness (2:42 minutes)

    5. Required Video 2: National Wellness Week (1:29 minutes)

    6. Case Vignette: Presenting the Eight Dimensions of Wellness to Clients and Community

    7. Case Vignette: Clinical Assessment of Wellness

    1. Interrelationships Between Wellness, Resiliency and Recovery

    2. Required Video: Building Resilience: 5 Ways to a Better Life (5:25 minutes)

    3. Required Video: Improving Our Neuroplasticity (19:41 minutes)

    4. The Eight Dimensions of Wellness and “Behaviorceuticals”

    5. Psychosocial Adaptation During a Pandemic

    6. Case Vignette Continued: Treatment Planning for Enhanced Wellness

    1. Conclusion

About this course

  • $18.00
  • 21 lessons

Course Details

Course Description

The content for this course is based on the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration’s (SAMSHA) public health campaign, “Eight Dimensions of Wellness.” The course content reviews the nature of wellness and its relationship to resiliency with a focus on SAMHSA’s eight dimensions of wellness. The course highlights SAMHSA’s PowerPoint (PPT) slide presentation, “Bringing Wellness to … ,” which can be used by practitioners with clients or in public presentations. The PPT presentation and other information from the “Eight Dimensions of Wellness” campaign is utilized to demonstrate the clinical relevance for social work and behavioral health practice with clients and within their communities. Participants read online content, including a PPT slide presentation and case vignettes, and view four short web-based video clips before passing the online posttest with a score of 80% or better to print a certificate of completion.

Target Audience

This course is  designed for social workers and other behavioral health practitioners seeking to enrich their understanding of a positive approach to wellness that emphasizes recovery, resiliency, and a strengths orientation—one that incorporates SAMHSA’s “Eight Dimensions of Wellness.”

Learning Objectives

After completing this course, readers will be able to do the following:

  • Identify the relationship between wellness and illness.
  • Identify how an individual’s degree of wellness affects the individual’s resiliency when psychosocial problems develop.
  • Identify at least five indicators of an individual’s degree of wellness.
  • Be able to utilize SAMHSA’s public health campaign, “Eight Dimensions of Wellness,” as a strengths-oriented, clinical assessment framework.

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