Course Description
This course examines important issues relevant to four of the supervisor's key responsibilities: (1) to assume responsibility for the supervisee's "compliance with all laws, rules, and regulations governing clinical practice," (2) to ensure that the supervisee’s work meets the knowledge and skill requirements of professional practice, (3) to monitor and evaluate the supervisee's performance, and (4) to develop Supervisory Plans that effectively support supervisees to better meet quality performance standards.
To meet their responsibilities effectively, supervisors must be familiar with a broad range of clinical knowledge and skills, the codes of ethics for the professions of their pre-licensure supervisees, and a variety of state and federal laws and regulations. This course identifies these knowledge prerequisites and explores strategies for supporting supervisees throughout the licensing process, including the two California licensure examinations. The course includes a sample Supervisory Plan, four sample supervisee evaluation frameworks, and a variety of case vignettes that can be used to evaluate both the supervisor’s and supervisee's existing knowledge base. Recommendations are also presented for empowering supervisees who may be deficient in one or another aspect of clinical knowledge or skills.
Target Audience
The California Board of Behavioral Sciences (BBS) requires that "licensees who commence supervision for the first time in California shall obtain fifteen (15) hours in supervision training or coursework obtained from a government agency or from a continuing education provider specified as acceptable by the board." This 6-unit course is designed for those who have already completed that initial 15-hour training, but now need to meet this additional requirement:
Learning Objectives
After completing this course, the reader will be able to do the following:
- Articulate a clear framework for identifying the knowledge and skills related to clinical practices and law and ethics issues.
- Evaluate their own level of familiarity with clinical issues and law and ethics.
- Evaluate the supervisees' level of familiarity with issues related to clinical practice and law and ethics.
- Develop supervisory plans that effectively support the supervisor and supervisee in developing clinical skills and identification of areas and skills where further development is needed.