Course Agenda

    1. Instructions

    1. Pretest Instructions

    2. Pretest

    1. Course Overview

    1. Introduction

    2. Print Posttest Study Guide

    3. Print Instructors’ PPT Slide Presentation

    4. View Webinar Video Recording (58 minutes)

    1. Digital Inequality and COVID-19 News and Research

    2. General Resources

    3. Finding Low-Cost Computer and Internet Providers

    4. Digital Skills Instruction

    1. Posttest

About this course

  • $9.00
  • 14 lessons

Course Details

Course Description

As the internet and computers become increasingly prevalent, it is tempting to assume that everyone—or nearly everyone—has a computer or other device that can get them online, and that they feel comfortable and confident using digital tools. However, this assumption is far from true, and the need to move many services online during the COVID-19 pandemic has left millions of Americans disconnected in multiple ways. Moreover, the factors that keep some people from using computers and the internet are often the same ones that create other forms of disadvantage: poverty, disability, limited education, and (sometimes) age.

This webinar briefly discusses the expansion of the term “digital divide” to include multiple complex dimensions of digital inequality, examines how exclusion from the online world can create added barriers to resources, and considers the special implications of these issues during a global pandemic. The presenter also discusses community resources that assist in addressing these concerns and action steps that social workers and behavioral health practitioners can take to make their practice more digitally inclusive. To complete this course, participants read minimal introductory online content before watching the 58-minute video and slide presentation.

Target Audience

This webinar is created for social workers and other behavioral health professionals who work with and support adults who may have limited or inconsistent digital access and limited and/or no digital skills.

Learning Objectives

After completing this course, participants will be able to do the following:

  • Define “digital inequality” along a spectrum of digital access, skills, and outcomes.
  • Describe the typical demographics of digital inclusion or exclusion and the ways in which this dynamic exacerbates other forms of social inequality.
  • Identify real-life situations in which individuals with limited digital access or skills may struggle to participate fully in society.
  • Describe ways that digital inequality issues have changed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, including both increased impacts and available supports.
  • Research and describe available resources in their own communities that can help excluded individuals access and use digital tools with confidence.
  • Identify ways that social workers and other behavioral health professionals can incorporate greater digital equality and support into their practice.

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