Course Agenda

    1. Instructions

    1. Pretest Instructions

    2. Pretest

    1. Course Overview

    1. Print Posttest Study Guide

    2. DSM-5 Definition of Traumatic Stressor or Event

    3. Defining Complex Trauma in Childhood

    4. DSM-5 and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

    5. Intergenerational and Historical Trauma

    6. Resilience and Child Traumatic Stress

    7. Optional Resource: Resilience and Child Traumatic Stress

    1. Required Video: Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs): Impact on Brain, Body and Behavior (6:02 minutes)

    2. Required Video: Trauma and the Brain (4:28 minutes)

    3. Optional Video: Understanding PTSD’s Effects on Brain, Body, and Emotions (15:58 minutes)

    1. Natural Disasters

    2. Medical Trauma

    3. Death of a Loved One

    4. Community Violence

    5. Domestic Violence and Intimate Partner Violence

About this course

  • $36.00
  • 50 lessons

Course Details

Course Description

This course explores trauma-informed treatment care for children and adolescents. Themes discussed include trauma theory and related terminology; the effect of trauma on the brain; the different types of trauma; and trauma- and stressor-related disorders as delineated in the DSM-5, including acute stress disorder (ASD) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Several of the potential trauma-informed treatment modalities for children and adolescents are briefly described. In addition, secondary traumatic stress in service providers is briefly explored, with emphasis on individual and organizational responsibilities to assess for secondary traumatic stress and implement means of prevention. The content incorporates short web-based video clips, case vignettes, and valuable resources. The online posttest must be passed with a score of 80% or better to print the certificate of completion.

Target Audience

This course is appropriate as continuing education for both licensed social workers and other behavioral health professionals interested in expanding their knowledge related to trauma in children and adolescents and trauma-informed care systems and interventions.

Learning Objectives

After completing this course, readers will be able to do the following:

  • Identify key concepts related to trauma, traumatic events or stressors, complex trauma, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and trauma-informed treatment interventions and care systems.
  • Identify the effects of trauma on the brain, with reference to recent concepts of the neurobiology of trauma.
  • Identify several trauma types, including some of the more common traumatic stressors in children and adolescents.
  • Identify trauma-related disorders as delineated in the DSM-5.
  • Identify unique characteristics of complex trauma in young children, in addition to the related domains of impairment.
  • Identify various aspects of vicarious or secondary traumatic stress for service providers, in addition to organizational assessment tools and prevention and intervention strategies.
  • Identify trauma-informed treatment and systems of care for children and adolescents, along with tools that measure an organization’s readiness for and use of trauma-informed practices.

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