Course Agenda

    1. Instructions

    1. Pretest Instructions

    2. Pretest

    1. Course Overview

    1. Print Posttest Study Guide

    2. Introduction

    3. Defining Domestic Violence (DV) and Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)

    4. A Brief Overview of the Consequences of IPV

    5. Economic Impact of IPV

    6. Video: IPV Project—Intimate Partner Violence (23:33 minutes)

    7. Mandated Reporting

    8. IPV During COVID-19

    1. Verbal, Emotional, and Psychological Abuse

    2. The Use of Intimidation and Threats

    3. Attempts to Isolate the Victim

    4. Financial Abuse

    1. Physical Abuse

    2. The Prevalence of Physical Abuse

    3. Sexual Abuse and Spousal Rape

    4. The Prevalence of Sexual Abuse and Spousal Rape

About this course

  • $27.00
  • 45 lessons

Course Details

Course Description

This is the first module in a five-part series related to spousal/partner abuse (SPA), which is more commonly referred to as intimate partner violence (IPV). Throughout the series, the term “IPV” will be used predominantly; however, there will also be references to SPA and domestic violence (DV). The first module introduces IPV and explores its prevalence, types, and typical presentations, along with the common barriers to detecting IPV in clinical settings. Module 2 explores issues related to screening, assessing, and treating victims of IPV; safety planning; and legal and ethical issues related to IPV. Module 3 addresses issues related to the batterer, including risk factors, typologies, treatment, and recidivism. Module 4 explores issues related to the impact of IPV on children and teens, in addition to special issues related to teen dating violence. Module 5 explores IPV within the global context, including cultural factors that impact the reporting of IPV, and the rates of IPV in same-sex relationships, the military and law enforcement, and immigrant communities. Each module incorporates online content, short web-based video clips, and related resources for future reference and exploration.

Target Audience

California Mandated Pre-license Requirement: All five modules in this series can be used to meet the 15-hour pre-license requirement for coursework in spousal/partner abuse assessment and detection for California LCSW, LMFT, and LPCC licenses.

Continuing Education and Professional Development: This module can be taken alone or in combination with any of the other four modules in the five-part series as continuing education or professional development.

Learning Objectives

After completion of this course, readers will be able to do the following:

  • Identify and define intimate partner violence (IPV).
  • Identify the types of IPV and the prevalence of each type.
  • Identify theories and models explaining IPV, including the Duluth Model, Roberts’s classification of abuse, and battered woman syndrome.
  • Identify signs and symptoms that are indicative of IPV.
  • Identify client-centered, clinician-centered, institutional, and societal barriers to the identification of IPV.

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