Courses: All Courses
What's Next: Supporting Communities After the Wildfires
An Hour with the BBS: Updates to Laws and Regulations of 2025
This session highlights key updates to laws and regulations impacting clinical social workers and licensure in 2025. This session provides an overview of the significant changes, their rationale, and insight to navigate them.
Strength, Vision, & Progress: The NASW California Chapter 2024 Report
During this session, the NASW-CA team will overview the chapter's recent achievements and outline a bold vision for the future.
Exploring Root Causes and Barriers with Systems Impacted Youth
Your Voice Matters: A Voter Education Session with Dr. Khaleah Bradshaw
Whether you are a first-time voter or looking to refresh your knowledge, this session will provide valuable insights to help you feel confident and prepared when it’s time to cast your vote.
2024 Supervision Updates with the BBS
Stay ahead of the latest supervision regulations with an exclusive presentation by the Board of Behavioral Sciences (BBS). This course offers essential insights and practical tools to keep your practice in compliance with the 2024-2025 updates.
Do No Harm – Trauma Informed, Anti-Oppressive Practices in Social Work
This 3 part workshop series will explore the implications of racism, anti-LGBTQ+ practices and white supremacy within the social work profession.
Introduction to Psychedelics in Mental Health (2 CEUs)
Participants will learn about the benefits of psychedelic medicine, specifically ketamine, to treat mental health and the importance of social workers' (and behavioral health professionals') involvement in the psychedelic renaissance.
Abuse in Later Life: Our Role in Supporting Older and Dependent Adults (2 CEUs)
This workshop will benefit social workers and advocates working in aging services and/or with dependent disabled adults in California. Participants will learn about the signs and types of elder/dependent adult abuse and reporting responsibilities.
Suicide Risk Assessment and Intervention Coursework (6 CEUs)
2 CoursesEffective January 1, 2021, all California licensees and associates must complete at least six hours of coursework or supervised experience in suicide risk assessment and intervention.
California Law and Ethics Coursework for Out of State Applicants (12 Hours)
3 CoursesOut of state applicants who submit their ASW or LCSW application on or after January 1, 2020 are required to obtain 12 hours of CA law and ethics coursework.
Prelicense Coursework for Out of State Applicant: Path A - By Credential (40 Hours)
12 CoursesThis course bundle is approved for the continuing education requirement for social workers and other mental health professionals looking to get licensed in California who are already licensed in another state.
Prelicense Coursework for Out of State LCSW Applicant: Path B - By Education/Experience (90 Hours)
29 CoursesThis course bundle is approved for the continuing education requirement for out-of-state MSWs looking to get licensed in California who aren't licensed in another state.
California Cultures and Social and Psychological Implications (15 Hours)
5 CoursesCourse bundle designed to satisfy the 15 Hour California Cultures and Social and Psychological Implications Coursework Requirement for LCSWs, LMFTs and LPCCs.
California Child Abuse Assessment and Reporting (7 Hours)
2 CoursesSatisfies the 7 Hour California Child Abuse Assessment and Reporting Pre-License Coursework Requirement for LCSWs, LMFTs and LPCCs.